We are pleased to offer for sale this Whitman Encyclopedia of Mexican Money Volume 2 by Don & Lois Bailey This 474 page hardcover encyclopedia is a richly illustrated overview and history of Mexican coinage. This is the second book in a four volume series. Volume 2: Modern Coins of Mexico, 1905 to Date
An example of subjects covered in this Whitman Encyclopedia of Mexican Money Volume 2:
Coinage Reform of 1905
Coinage Reform of 1922
Milled Coinage
Mint and Proof Sets
Silver Bullion Coinage (1949, 1978–1980)
Gold Medallic coinage (1953 and 1957)
Gold Bullion coinage (1953, 1957, 1999), including the Cultural Fusion Series of 2011
Silver, Gold, and Platinum Libertad series of 1982 to Date
Pre-Columbian Collections
Above is just a short list of subjects explored. Discover and learn all about the history and coinage of Mexico. This is a brand new book from our inventory.