We are pleased to offer for sale this Set of Two Gold Pans 14" Gold Panning Equipment for Prospecting. These black plastic Gold Pans are designed with ridges to trap fine gold or other heavy minerals. The material used in these Gold Pans is heavy duty high impact plastic. These Gold Pans are 14" in diameter and 2 1/2" in depth. These Gold Pans are used for prospecting and testing of deposits of heavy minerals. These Gold Pans are new from our inventory.
Information on How to Pan for Gold!
Shovel a small amount of material (4-5 handfuls) into your Gold Pan. Make sure all material in the pan is wet. Break up any clumps of material and remove large rocks.
Swirl the Gold Pan in a counter-clockwise motion. Swirling does 2 things: 1) Allows gold to begin settling at the bottom of the Gold Pan. 2) Brings unwanted dirt and gravel to the top of the Gold Pan.
Alter swirling motion to a gentle "side to side" motion which helps with the gold settling to the bottom of the Gold Pan.
Tip your Gold Pan and allow the current to rinse of the top layer of dirt and gravel. **Be careful to only rinse one layer at a time, gold could be washed away if too much material is rinsed at once.
Slowly move your Gold Pan forwards and backwards to assist in the washing away of unwanted materials.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 until you only have a few spoonfuls of material left in your Gold Pan. This material usually looks like black sand.
Look in your pan for gold flakes or slivers, if they are present swirl hard enough to keep them collected at the bottom of the Gold Pan.